Soil and Groundwater Remediation

As experienced professional engineers, geologists and remediation contractors Lindmark Engineering has the unique ability to construct environmental treatment systems to clean up soil and water. We routinely perform site work ourselves and complement our staff with specialty subcontractors. This approach saves our clients time and money.
As a part of this process, we have successfully designed and constructed remediation systems for soil and groundwater, including pump-and-treat systems, activated carbon treatment, vapor extraction, air sparging, bio-slurry walls, bioremediation, thermal treatment, excavation, free-floating product recovery, thermal treatment, in-situ chemical oxidation, dual-phase extraction, and monitored natural attenuation.
Many remediation projects require installation of fixed or mobile treatment systems that may be operated in a hazardous environment and thus require special attention and care. Our startup procedures are carefully designed to allow for appropriate fine-tuning of the system in response to the media being remediated.